File talk:Algol&Fortran Family By Skippppp.svg

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SVG and thumbnails not updated[edit]

My recent edit to this page does not seem to be reflected in the actual SVG or thumbnails. I don't really understand why. I have tried purging the page, to no apparent avail. I get that the thumbnails are generated from the SVG code. If however the SVG code is not generated from the tikz code, then why is the latter here, and worse, allowed to go out of sync with the SVG code? That seems like horrible design?! If you know what's going on and how to fix it, please help! —ReadOnlyAccount (talk) 13:33, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The image is not generated automatically from the code on the page. I expect the uploader put the code there to allow the image to be updated offline. You would need to run the Tikz code offline and export the result as an SVG file, then upload that file here over the current file. Dogfennydd (talk) 14:04, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for helping. W/r/t running the Tikz code offline, etc., I don't know how to do that. Does anyone else? People should be able to see from my edit how this is only about changing the year 1995 to 1955 for Flow-matic – the former was a typo, as a comparison with the older, earlier SVG confirms. If you or anyone can do that "simple" edit, please don't wait for me, go right ahead.
To be more precise about what's holding me back, I specifically don't know what online service or offline program I could/should use or install to still get equally clean SVG (and also, in the case of online editors, get clean SVG w/o licensing problems). I gather Wikimedia does not have its own online Tikz editor?
If the 1995/1955 problem were to remain sadly unfixed in the SVG code for long, one might then wish to consider reverting my edit to the Tikz code, as it's probably worse for a correction to it to be out sync with the actual SVG code.
ReadOnlyAccount (talk) 17:56, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
PS: I have managed to edit the SVG directly in Inkscape, in a way that looks correct to my eyes, however the resulting new Inkscape-saved SVG code appears to be more different from the original SVG code than I know how to make sense of. (To wit:
$ diff -u Algol\&Fortran_Family_By_Skippppp.svg Algol\&Fortran_Family_By_Skippppp-2.svg
--- Algol&Fortran_Family_By_Skippppp.svg 2024-05-01 18:57:54.681497654 +0100
+++ Algol&Fortran_Family_By_Skippppp-2.svg 2024-05-01 19:08:54.579905819 +0100
@@ -1,588 +1,2577 @@
Inkscape seems to churn out a massive diff. Like an order of magnitude more.)
I was kind of hoping it was going to be a small enough change to allow me to see what the essential difference is, so I could manually apply only what's actually needed to the original SVG. But clearly this is altogether too much.
Tikz is a LaTeX package and the code would need to be run through LaTeX. Inspecting the file, the DVI output from LaTeX appears to have been processed by dvisvgm, with all text being replaced by graphics paths (removing those graphics paths would probably account for the large diff). Dogfennydd (talk) 19:21, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. I've looked at what it apparently would take for me to install dvisvgm here. The answer is, many dependencies, so it would seem. I don't really want to throw an almost half-gigabyte of storage space at the problem of changing a 9 to a 5 on Wikipedia. If anyone else can do that edit or point me at an online tikz editor I can use for this with no problem, I'd appreciate the help. Turning what should be a single-byte change into an almost ½GB project is like eight orders of magnitude I don't really need in my life right now. Speaking of life, perhaps whoever came up with this bloated^Wuber-obese abstraction has cause to sit back, grab a cuppa, and think about theirs. —ReadOnlyAccount (talk) 20:37, 1 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]